Web Design

Final Fantasy xiv - Job Guide

Final Fantasy XIV Online is an MMORPG with a plethora of phenomenal music, beautifully designed characters and scenery, and amazing story telling.

My goal with this project was to redesign the current class selection page into something more visually captivating that truly captures the essence of what the respective classes the game has to offer.
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have a look
have a look
have a look
have a look
have a look
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have a look
have a look

The Final Fantasy XIV online store, which many people use to purchase these items, has shown to lack basic eCommerce features that users tend to look for when it comes to swift and painless searches. This includes a search bar, the ability to open products in new tabs, and even some accessibility issues such as toggling day/night mode. The purpose of this project is to explore different realms of improvement in both UI/UX to create a more user-friendly experience.

The current website is straight-forward in terms of the information it’s severely lacking in terms of visual appeal, which I think is very important in terms of enticing your audience to picking up the game.

One of the game’s biggest selling points is the how visually stunning it is, so I wanted to continue to capitalize on that front with this design.

My preliminary sketches for the design drew inspiration from the assets the game already has. I wanted to utilize the in-game models, gear, branding assets, and other motifs they used in order to build their world and story.

For one iteration of the class selection I wanted to replicate one of the introductory cutscenes that showcases a large crystal, also known as the “Mothercrystal”. Along with that I wanted to have each classes’ Soul Crystal, which is what’s used to identify each class, hovering around the Mothercrystal. From there the player would be able to hover over each crystal, which would show a brief display of the class they have selected.

While in concept I thought this would have been an interesting take on presenting each class, I later found that it may make the selection process too convoluted for the prospective player. Apart from there being 20 playable classes a player can choose from, they each also fall under their own categories of roles that they fulfill in a team. Therefore, I opted to go with a more streamlined design that shows every job up-front within their respective roles they fill via dropdown menus as to easily identify them.

My final design features dynamic imagery while still keeping the functionality of it simple and straight-forward. I utilized photos of in-game models that I took in combination with other imagery from the game itself.